
EventLookisafast&handyalternativetoWindowsEventViewer.YoucanquicklyexamineEventLogswiththefollowingfeatures.,Thisappisasimple,easy-to-use,fastandattractiveviewerfortheWindowseventlog.UsingthisappyoucanviewthecontentsoftheApplication, ...,EventLogExplorerisaneffectivesoftwaresolutionforviewing,analyzingandmonitoringeventsrecordedinMicrosoftWindowseventlogs.,事件檢視器.在Show內.(Windows)事...

EventLook - Free download and install on Windows

EventLook is a fast & handy alternative to Windows Event Viewer. You can quickly examine Event Logs with the following features.

Modern Event Viewer - 在Windows 上免費下載並安裝

This app is a simple, easy-to-use, fast and attractive viewer for the Windows event log. Using this app you can view the contents of the Application, ...

Windows event log analysis software, view and monitor system ...

Event Log Explorer is an effective software solution for viewing, analyzing and monitoring events recorded in Microsoft Windows event logs.


事件檢視器. 在Show 內. (Windows) 事件檢視器顯示系統的事件。 [Windows 記錄] 區段包含應用程式、安全性和系統記錄,自Windows NT 3.1 起已存在。

FullEventLogView 1.80 免安裝中文版

事件檢視器取代工具- FullEventLogView,利用單一視窗就能夠輕鬆讀取Windows Event Log的所有詳細內容,包含事件的詳細敘述,可以存取本機或遠端電腦的 ...

5 Windows event log analysis tools (for beginner blue teamers)

5 essential Windows event log analysis tools (+1 bonus tool) · 1. Splunk · 2. Elastic · 3. Graylog · 4. Chainsaw · 5. Hayabusa. What are event log analysis... · essential Windows event log... · Splunk · Elastic

Windows Event Log Viewer

With LogViewPlus you can scan your Windows Event log file for matching events and quickly generate reports which help you maintain a healthy Windows environment ...

事件記錄監視軟體- 輕鬆監視Windows 記錄

此Windows 記錄監視軟體能夠監視網路中所有Windows 伺服器和工作站的事件記錄,並在網路上出現網路異常時透過SMS 或電子郵件即時警示您。 EventLog Analyzer - 事件記錄監視 ...


FullEventLogView is a simple tool for Windows 11/10/8/7/Vista that displays in a table the details of all events from the event logs of Windows.

What's the recommended way to analyze Windows event logs quickly?

Eventcomb is our standard tool to check logs for specific events.